Image Map

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rolling Through the Rock Cycle

Last week, we wrapped up our unit on rocks and minerals.  I played the rock cycle game with my students and they LOVED it.  The game got them up and moving around and they got a kick out their individual paths.  Some of the kids got stuck in one spot for multiple turns.  They did awesome and realized just how long it could take for parts of the rock cycle to happen.  I was very pleased with how well they did with the activity and unstructured nature of it all.

After the game, students used a comic strip website ( to make comics depicting their individual journey through the rock cycle.  Students could be as creative or straight forward with their journey as they wanted.  The kids really enjoyed the comic strips as well.  Most of them had never used the program before and it took some getting use to, but they are kids and catch on pretty quick when it comes to technology.  ;-)

I have uploaded the PDF of my Rock Cycle Game to TeachersPayTeachers .  Check it out HERE.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hunger Games - Final Round...

Our Hunger Games Competition has gone so well.  The girls won all three of the rounds so far.  Our forth and final round leading up to testing is not going to be girls vs. boys.  Instead, each student is going to be competing for themselves.  I have set a goal for each of my students.  If they are not are not currently on grade level than their goal is to get to grade level (no matter how many grade levels that is).  Students that are on grade level or above have a goal of increasing another grade level.  Their prize... once each student individual student reaches their goal they are exempt from homework for the rest of the year.  I hope that this final round is as successful as the rest have been.

Bulletin board used to track tributes

Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Undercover" Mission

Hello All...

I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed and we have recently added 2 new ChromeBook carts to sixth grade. However, in the crazy world of sixth grade, no matter how careful we are, accidents happen.  I have recently created a new DonorsChoose project in order to try and get covers for the computers.  I had so much support from friends and family with my project earlier this year and I am hoping that this one is just as successful.

I'm asking for donations of any size to help my kids. For the next week, any donation you make to my project will be doubled by Anonymous Donor (up to $100). If you know anyone who is passionate about education, please pass this along. Your donation will brighten my students' school year, and you'll get photos and thank yous from our class.

To have your donation matched dollar for dollar, enter the promo code
on the payment screen. This awesome match offer lasts through March 16th.  

My students and I greatly appreciate your support.

The link to my project is below.... check it out if you have time. :-)

"Undercover" Mission